Good Neighbors
Local Love
We are proud to live in West Michigan. We show it, in one way, by giving back through our ORG Home Difference Program. Every year, each department receives funds to pass on to favorite charities. With these dollars as well as volunteer hours, ORG Home employees give a boost to causes we care about. In the last four years, we’ve shared more than $50,000 through this program to help out families in need, urban youth programs, the Center for Women in Transition, and others.
Homes for ORG Home
When ORG Home has extra inventory, we donate it to local Habitat for Humanity efforts. We’re thrilled to help new homeowners get the most out of every square foot—and enhance the work of caring volunteers.
Gulf Coast Care
When Hurricanes Katrina and Rita slammed the Gulf Coast, ORG Home employees initiated a local collection of cash, gift cards, food, toiletries, baby necessities and other supplies to comfort Gulf Coast families and help them recover.
Close To Our Hearts
Almost every family has been touched by cancer or heart disease—causes very dear to the people of ORG Home. Each year, ORG Home is a Silver Sponsor of the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life.
Honor Your Partner
We believe that all of our employees should be treated with dignity and respect and provided a healthy environment when they come to work. We also seek to partner with vendors who share our commitment to these values.
Good Giving
How can ORG Home make you a more intentional consumer? When you’ve tidied your home with ORG Home storage solutions, it’s easy to see what you need—and what you already have. At a glance, you can inventory your garage, your pantry and your closet. If you’ve stuffed one too many sweaters on your shelves, you know it might be time to donate a few to your local charity.